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resolution sneak peek.

January 15, 2012

I spent more time (then I have in past) thinking about my new year’s resolutions.  My recently completed list will become my list of accomplishments I celebrate throughout 2012!

I do not want to bore you with the details of all my resolutions.   But, as some of you have requested, I will share the most important things I have committed to doing this year.    

~Spend more face time (or phone time) with my lovely friends.  This is definitely a reoccurring resolution. We all get busy with work, relationships, new homes, new babies, and everything else [so very important,] that requires our time.  As our responsibilities grow, so does our need for close friendships and support.  So, I will schedule phone dates weekly [to my sisters living too far away,] and plan cocktail nights or desert catchups [at least] each month.

~Run 2 miles, 2 times each week.  Okay. Most of you are probably wondering…that’s it?! But let me make clear, I am not a runner.  2 miles will typically take me 23 minutes, including a 2 minute warm up and cool down.  I do not run fast, but I run consistently.  A short cardio session makes me feel good, and helps me with my climbing strength and endurance.  So, in 2012 I will run [at least] 2 times each week.  This will usually be Tuesday and Thursday.  While it is best to commit to a day and time, my run is best saved for rest days [from climbing.]  When my muscles need a break, the short run keeps me motivated and moving!

~Give yoga a chance.  Because my body [muscles] and mind will thank me!  I’ll admit this – I will run to the climbing gym before choosing a yoga class.  But, when I do make it to a yoga class, I leave feeling stretched, refreshed and relaxed.   So this year, I will do yoga for 1 hour at least 1 time each week.  My favorite class [highly recommended,] Sarah’s Vinyassa at Yoga Space. 

~Read [at least] 5 books.  5 books [at least 1 non-fiction] recommended by 5 different people [taking recommendations now!].  My Dad recently recommended, my next read, ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow.’  I would love to hear about your highly recommended and favorites!

~Send Kung Fu[Lion’s Head Ontario.]  For those of you who are unfamiliar with ‘So…you think you know good Kung

Lion's Head, Ontario

Fu?,’ it is the name of a sport climbing route at Lion’s Head [a crag about 3 hours North of Toronto].  I first got on Kung Fu late this past summer, a fantastic, dynamic, and challenging route.  I believe, at the time, it was the highest and most difficult climb I had tried.  I fell in love!  It has ‘a little bit of everything’ and it will require me to push myself wellbeyond my comfort zone.  I can’t wait to get back on it again [come summer!] So, during the winter season, I am having fun climbing [at least] 3 times each week.   [At least] 1 day is spent trying to keep up with D-Vo and his training schedule [inspired by Mike Doyle.]

[please] Share with me your New Year’s Resolutions [commitments] and how you have stayed on track so far!


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